Exercise at ITI
At ITI, we look at exercise as a unique and dynamic endeavor. That’s because we aim to see each client we work with as a unique and dynamic individual.
Working on the level of the mind helps establish a foundation for the work we will be embarking on. This means that within the initial phase clients can expect to gain insight and awareness pertaining to their relationship and psychology surrounding exercise. This is essential in order to remove any auto-pilot component and/or bad habits from their training and replace it with intention, clear and concise goals, and what I like to call a “check in and check out” mindset. This puts the onus on the client to check in to the training and leave the rest behind for the duration of the session. This healthy breakdown and deconstruction of where the client’s mindset is helps to achieve alignment with the practitioner and sets the stage for the intake phase. Within the intake phase lies a process that includes elaborate and detailed assessments that allow us at ITI to personalize and tailor our programs to the individual.
This, combined with a sound biomechanical approach that embraces muscle contraction and its role in force output, help us to shed light on where the client is regarding their respective abilities and how to progress them. An explanation into the what, why and how provides comprehension and understanding of the exercise program and has a very positive influence on the application and outcome of the session. What is offered is a fun, rewarding and vastly different experience than what one may have encountered previously with exercise.