Right For You?
- Do you wish to exercise but are unsure of what to do when it comes to exercise?
- Do you find yourself injured often as a result of exercising?
- Do you feel your training protocols and regimens have become stagnant and unfulfilling?
- Have you reduced or eliminated altogether certain exercises because they “hurt” when you perform them?
- Have you become frustrated and overwhelmed with the bombardment of information from the “experts” on various online and social media platforms regarding exercise and are seeking clarity and guidance?
- Have you not felt well for some time and have forgotten what it feels like to feel well?
- Have you tried countless diets or attempted to make changes that didn’t work or weren’t sustainable and as a result left you feeling frustrated?
- Have you recently developed symptoms that leave you feeling uncomfortable, sluggish, in pain and desperate to find a solution?
- Are you looking to regain your old form, that youthful energy, or make changes to your body composition?
- Have you heard about integrative and functional approaches to health and wellness and are curious as to whether it can help you?
- Do you have pain?
- Do you experience tightness, or reduced ranges of motion on a regular basis?
- Do you find your life limited by these physical ailments?
- Is it your wish to engage in physical activity but are unable to?
- Have you heard about Muscle Activation Technique and are curious as to whether it can help you?
- Do you feel that your career, relationships, finances, family are suffering as a result of you not being as healthy as you can be?
- Do you feel that getting your health and wellness in order will translate in to an improvement in these areas of your life?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I.T.I. may be the right place for you!